
11 March 2011

Stop oily hair

Sick of having greasy, flat hair almost every day? Even washing your hair everyday doesn’t help? Do not stress, it's not that complicated, here are some tips to smooth, shiny hair.

Here are some tips to avoid washing your hair too often, and get rid of oily hair:
- Wash your hair gently. Rubbing hard stimulates the sebaceous glands.
- Rinse hair with luke warm water, not boiling water.
- Rinse your hair thoroughly, making sure there is no shampoo is left in your hair. Excess shampoo increases the sebum.
- Alternate between 2 shampoos every week. The shampoos must be suitable for oily hair.
- When blow drying your hair, make sure the hair dryer isn’t too hot.
- Avoid wearing hats, caps, or a scarf over your head as it increases the perspiration, thus the scalp secretes more sebum that usual.
- Avoid constantly touching your hair. Our hands are usually not very clean.
- Eat a balanced diet.

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